October 26, 2022

"The Polaris Singularity" published

I'm proud to announce the publication of my latest book "The Polaris Singularity", which is the sequel to "Omni Genesis".

You can see my published works online at ( http://bit.ly/GTSmith555 ). Though I have published several books already, I've been so focused on writing that I've neglected the promotional side of self-publishing. That must change. Please watch for me on the following sites:

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/gts555writer/home

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GTS555.writer

Twitter: https://twitter.com @GTS555writer

... and other media outlets to follow.


"The Polaris Singularity" synopsis:

The Polaris Singularity is an Artificial General Intelligence that has far surpassed human intelligence to become a Technological Singularity.  Dr. Kyle Downing has accepted the daunting task to teach such an intelligence about human morality, ethics, and law.

How does the Polaris Singularity relate to humans who are frequently irrational and illogical?  When confronted by the collapse of civilization and an increasingly lethal environment, will humanity be able to deal with the collapse and the Polaris Singularity, simultaneously?

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"The Polaris Singularity" published

I'm proud to announce the publication of my latest book "The Polaris Singularity", which is the sequel to "Omni Genesis...