September 17, 2017

Mired in a Poetry State of Mind

This week I was sidetracked by poetry.  There is very little of poetry that I like, but this one by Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron; English poet) is definitely one of my favorites.  I hope you enjoy it, as well.

Lines Inscribed upon a Cup Formed from a Skull

When a skull "of giant size and in a perfect state of preservation" was found in the garden of Newstead Abbey, "a strange fancy seized me," Byron told Medwin, "of having it mounted as a drinking cup. I accordingly sent it to town, and it returned with a very high polish and of a nottled colour like tortoise-shell"

Start Not – nor deem my spirit fled:
In me behold the only skull,
From which, unlike a living head,
Whatever flows is never dull.

I liv'd, I lov'd, I quaff'd, like thee:
I died: let the earth my bones resign;
Fill up – thou canst not injure me;
The worm hath fouler lips than thine.

Better to hold the sparkling grape,
Than nurse the earth-worm's slimy brood;
And circle in the goblet's shape
The drink of Gods, than reptiles' food.

Where once my wit, perchance, hath shone,
In aid of others' let me shine;
And when, alas! Our brains are gone,
What nobler substitute than wine?

Quaff while thou canst: another race,
When thou and thine, like me, are sped,
May rescue thee from Earth's embrace,
And rhyme and revel with the dead.

Why not? Since through life's little day
Our heads such sad effects produce;
Redeem'd from worms and wasting clay,
This chance is theirs, to be of use

Newstead Abbey, 1808

September 1, 2017

Today's Pirates Are Killers

Piracy today is not a comedy movie. People die. Bryce Campbell's Water Dragons are fighting back in "Balance of Force". It can be found at

Combating piracy around the world, the Water Dragons sprang into being after Bryce Campbell, a regular sailor on a freighter, is nearly killed in a pirate attack.  The only survivor of the ship's crew, he is rescued by an ex-Army Ranger and, together, they begin a crusade to rid the world's oceans and waterfronts of pirates and piracy.

August 27, 2017

Jake Sanders Returns

Jake Sanders is back in this sequel to "Caribbean Gauntlet".

Jake's nemesis, Colonel Costas, has located the Colombian family that is responsible for his exile residing in the United States under the Witness Protection Program.  After a grisly murder and kidnapping inflicted upon the family, Costas sends his henchmen to kill Jake.  However, Jake survives.

With the failure of the system to capture or eliminate Costas, Jake concludes that there is only one solution.  But, he must act quickly.

April 27, 2017


It's been a while since I've posted to this blog, having experimented with some other options and deciding to settle on this one.  I hope I haven't lost any of my friends and followers!

I've started working on the sequel to "Balance of Force", which will introduce a new series.  I look forward to keeping you informed as work progresses.  The sequel will expand on the work done by the anti-piracy group formerly known as the Water Dragons.

My apologies for the absence, and hope that you will continue to follow me, and share with your friends!

Until next time.

"The Polaris Singularity" published

I'm proud to announce the publication of my latest book "The Polaris Singularity", which is the sequel to "Omni Genesis...